"Our opponents maintain that we are confronted with insurmountable political obstacles, but that may be
said of the smallest obstacle if one has no desire to surmount it." - Theodor Herzl

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Why is Nathan voting Labor? Hope not fear

When Barack Obama won re-election in 2012, he said

"If you don't have any fresh ideas, then you use stale tactics to scare voters... You make a big election about small things".

Americans should be grateful. At least they had an election about something. Instead, the Likud party, whose victory in the upcoming elections has the air of the inevitable, has distilled its raison d'etre into this advertisement, called "The absurd theater of the Left":

In it, the leaders of the center and left are represented by finger puppets. Zehava Gal-On of Meretz is portrayed saying “End the occupation” again and again, while a man mimics Shelly Yachimovitch of Labor harping endlessly about the convergence of “wealth and power,”

Fortunately for us, the leadership of the Jewish state has its eyes on the real prize, and doesn't need to bother itself with occupation and the economy when Iran might be developing a nuclear weapon. Never mind that Israel has one of the highest rates of inequality in the OECD. Never mind that it's been occupying another nation for nearly fifty years. Never mind that tens of thousands of African asylum seekers live in limbo in South Tel Aviv, in permanent fear of deportation. The important thing is to keep people afraid, because then they'll vote for the 'strong leader'.

Surely Israel's had enough of this? Surely it's time to try something else? How long can a nation be led on the basis of fear and isolation, instead of values of equality, freedom and justice?

I’m supporting Shelly Yachimovich because I know that there are many aspects of Israeli society that need to change. I believe that change is possible and I refuse to let my country be paralyzed by fear.

-Nathan, an oleh from Australia

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