"Our opponents maintain that we are confronted with insurmountable political obstacles, but that may be
said of the smallest obstacle if one has no desire to surmount it." - Theodor Herzl

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Why is Gabe voting Labor?

I will be voting for the Israeli Labor party on election day because I came to Israel with the wish of participating in a society that was run according to the universal human values, rooted deeply in the Judaic tradition, of justice, equality and enlightenment. Instead, I've found myself a citizen of a country plummeting ever deeper and faster into a squalid abyss of corruption, sectarianism, poverty and violence. Our current leaders seek to plunge us further into darkness as long as it secures their positions of power. Shelly Yachimovich and the Labor Party have promised to invest in, and look after, our greatest asset and most abundant natural resource—the people that live here. There is no other way to ensure the future prosperity, security and onward advancement of this great nation.

I am voting for the only party with the desire and ability to restore this country to greatness—the Labor Party.

- Gabe, an oleh from Australia

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