"Our opponents maintain that we are confronted with insurmountable political obstacles, but that may be
said of the smallest obstacle if one has no desire to surmount it." - Theodor Herzl

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Vote Labor, Vote Green

     I was lucky enough to have been asked to translate parts of the Labor Party platform (yes they have a platform - which is a lot more than most of the other parties can say), including parts on the environment. In case you are considering voting for the Green Party, the Save-the-Beaches Party, or the Stop-Mistreating-Farm-Animals Party I ask you to please read the Labor Party's environmental platform first.

    Here we have a major political party speaking of the desire to re-create Israel's environmental legislation in the spirit of Seattle. While terms like "open-spaces", "green lungs", "walkable cities" and "mixed-use zoning" may just sound trendy in the US, they are so underused in this country that they come off as extremely sincere.

The entire English version platform is available here! But I'll leave you with some quotes from the sustainability section, available here:

"…a healthy environment and environmental justice are cornerstones of the foundation of social justice."

"The Labor Party will advance comprehensive social-environmental legislation which will first and foremost guarantee the rights of all to a healthy and clean environment and will defend the natural resources which belong to the general public."

"…legislation which will allow for the establishment of facilities to produce solar energy panels for the roofs of every building in Israel…"

"The Party will advance formal and informal education that raises the environmental consciousness of the next generation a carbon tax…"

"The Labor Party will work to ensure the welfare of wild animals, pets, and livestock. The Party will work to prevent animal cruelty, harassment, and torture."


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