"Our opponents maintain that we are confronted with insurmountable political obstacles, but that may be
said of the smallest obstacle if one has no desire to surmount it." - Theodor Herzl

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Why is Shai voting Labor?

Election time has a special effect on any country; huge pictures of party-leaders looking down on the people from massive billboards, catchphrases dominating the public discussion, and media reporting on every sound bite for the news-hungry folk. In this up-coming elections jungle, it is easy to get lost between the sometimes nonexistent differences and weirdly similar sounding nicknames of politicians. But in my perspective these elections in Israel, more than anything are about the definition of Zionism. Is it about the land or is it about the state? Is it about democracy and the people or is it about Jewish religion?

In recent years the term 'Zionism' had been held hostage by the Israeli right. The Labour Party (with Yachimovich in the cockpit) will liberate it and bring it back home to the democratic, pluralistic, liberal and progressive side of Israeli society...and that is why I am voting Avodah.

-Shai, an oleh from The Netherlands

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