"Our opponents maintain that we are confronted with insurmountable political obstacles, but that may be
said of the smallest obstacle if one has no desire to surmount it." - Theodor Herzl

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Avodah English platform is up!

The English translation of the Labor party platform is online!


Go check it out!


Reading this platform, it's clear to me that the Labor party has taken to heart the demands of the 2011 social justice protests. Here are a few quotes that I was happy to see in the platform: 

"(The Labor party will) promote civil marriage and divorce in Israel and create civil cemeteries accessible to all citizens, while allowing for the possibility of various religious burial ceremonies."

It's time to take control of public Jewish life away from the hands of the Orthodox-only rabbinical court.
"(The Labor Party will) decrease inequality between Jewish, Arab, Druze, and Circassian citizens by allocating equal resources for all citizens in health, education, welfare, social services, infrastructure, housing, employment, industrial development, and personal security"

We can't have a society that allows some to prosper and not others. Funding public services for some communities but not others within our borders is racism.

"The Labor Party will work to eradicate racism against olim from Ethiopia which has taken root in parts of Israeli society and is expressed by unequal treatment against Israelis from Ethiopian origin in residential areas, workplaces, schools, and places of recreation. 
The Labor Party will work to implement the Affirmative Action Law in employing Ethiopian olim academics in government ministries, in government companies, and in local authorities.
The Labor Party will work to provide an extensive answer to the difficulties in the absorption of Ethiopian olim and integrating them into Israeli society in the best possible way."

 It is unacceptable that over half of Ethiopian olim to Israel live in poverty.

"The Labor Party sees the Supreme Court as the highest judicial institution in the State of Israel, responsible for maintaining the values of justice, equality, freedom, and the human and civil rights of Israel’s residents.
The Labor Party will work to fortify the institutional status of the Supreme Court and maintain its authority."

Netanyahu feels comfortable defying Supreme Court orders when it suits him to do so:

Check the whole platform out for yourself!


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